Saturday, March 5, 2016


Okay, so lately I have wanted to do so much with my life, and of course, since I am just a kid, can't do anything about it. Like, minors can make good choices and good stuff with their lives if you give us the chance and the trust?? So here are some of the things I have been determined to do, maybe not today, or next week, or in a year from now, but soon. Soon.

okay while i realize that the point of this buzzfeed article is to make fun of these "popular" tattoos, some of the ones shown here are gorgeous works of art. (and some are completely stupid.) [19 Tattoos That Literally Everyone Got In 2014]:
I really would like a tattoo kind of like @maddiewelborn's because it is small but has a lot of meaning. Like on pinterest, I have a board dedicated to tattoo ideas. I just want a little glyph on my wrist or my upper arm or something, nothing big. A little tattoo with a huge meaning would be amazing. Of course, I have to wait until I can legally get a tattoo, sadly, but I will take these years to figure out what is most important to me before I get one.

Honestly, I want to move to California so badly, just all the wonderful GIFs you see on tumblr, The Neighbourhood music videos, and their meanings, and all the amazing youtubers there. Even though most of my favorite youtubers live in Texas or the UK. I'd love to go there for the photography. Also, I wanna go to Berkeley, and if I like it in Cali, I'm definitely gonna stay.

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