Monday, February 29, 2016

Late Night Post: Music

Late night post: My Favorite Albums

Okay, so if you didn't know, music keeps me alive. I honestly don't know where i'd be without music. Oh god this sounds really emotional and sappy but in reality i just wanna obsess over music with you. So i'll just list all the albums on my phone and ones i love but dont have enough money to buy so

  • American Beauty/ American Psyco
  • The Black Parade
  • Blurryface
  • Bombs Away
  • Death of a Bachelor
  • A Fever you Cant Sweat Out
  • Foile a Deux
  • From Under the Cork Tree
  • I love you.
  • In Utero
  • Infinity On High
  • Pretty. Odd.
  • Save Rock and Roll
  • Say My Name
  • Talking Dreams
  • Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die!
  • Vessel
  • Wiped Out!
  • Badlands
  • Cry Baby
and thats only a few

aaaanyways, stay sassy

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Random thoughts with viv (#1)

Random thoughts with viv

What if we all see colors different but we call them the same name because that is what we learned? Like, someone's blue would be someone's green? Would there even be a name for a color if we see it all different? Like this would be this for someone else? OHMYGODHELP IM FALLING INTO A WORMHOLE OF THOUGHTS

Did you ever realize that life is fair because its unfair for everybody? Like, I never say life isn't fair because it is. Start the trend people.

On Twenty One Pilots first track in Blurryface, heavydirtysoul, the song in reverse is actual words like click here to hear it bc it is soo interesting, click here for the song forwards. Do you guys even like TOP? Who am I kidding, everybody does.

I feel like I am a grammar police to other people but when they try to correct me I get super mad and annoyed like same thing with playing with phones like I will play on your phone but i will never let you touch mine like i'm sorry??

Honestly I really wanna go somewhere for spring break but i can't because school sucks and I'm broke bc I just bought tickets to see Twenty One Pilots but thats okay as long as I see Jish and Bean im fine

Current Playlist:
Fairly Local by Twenty One Pilots
10,000 Emerald Pools by BORNS
Happy Little Pill by Troye Sivan
Echo by Trevor Moran
Heart-Shaped Box by Nirvana
Bridges by BROODS

aaanyways, see you later. Stay sassy.


Heyy, if you didn't see the name of my blog, my name is Viv, and yes, I am very  random. Random enough to make a blog about the weird questions and stories that I have everyday, like only getting 3 hours of sleep, wondering why grapefruits don't look like grapes, and how hard it is to keep a commitment to eating healthy. I plan to write here at least twice a week, so look forward to that. Aaanyways, stay sassy. (p.s. im really obsessed with music so i'll make some playlists for ya)
